Booking Engine

Properties will be able to update rate and availability dynamically to properties website and also to the Also creating package, promotion and automatically reservation importation the Sistem Otel is provided.It support 7 different languages.
1 - Update Rate You will be able to update desired rate for roomtypes to the website and to the over Sistem Otel PMS. It is also enables to change for one day or for long time period on a single screen.
2 - Update Availability Property can manually update availability or Sistem Otel automatically can update all the availabilities for you.
3 - Create Package Product Property can create package products to sell during reservation (Airport Transfer,Room Decoration
4 - Create Promotion System allows promotions. Promotions contains free packages,discount or free nights.
A - Accourding to the Night Stay
B- Early Reservation
C - Last Minute Offers
5 - Taking Reservations: Reservation confirmation emails are automatically sent. The credit card information may be mandatory depending on the properties choice. Reservation email is sent to the hotel and also recorded to the Sistem Otel PMS automatically.Gues name, checkin - checkout dates, ordered packages, promotions, card information, special requests, email, phone data are included with the reservation email.
SSL security certificate is provided to make sure all the process in completed in a secure environment.

General Specifications

Full integration with Sistem Otel PMS

Theme is the same as the hotels webpage.

Can update rates within the PMS

Increases the availability

Reservations are imported automatically

Supports mobile devices

Takes large images as backgroud

The reservation can be completed within two sections

Images can be added to the promotions or to the extras

Online Collection

Allows multiple promotions

Quota Definitions

Extra Sale Options

Unlimited rate definition

Unlimited room and facility photos

Provides alternate dates

Provides alternate room types

Reporting Options

Developed Management Consol